Orbit & Eclipse


A new iteration of the classic Ooid series, Orbit and Eclipse feature a section of coloured transparent acrylic to offset the mirror and add further spatial awareness to the three dimensional work.


Light and Colour

JULY 2022

Lately I’ve been drawn to brighter colours like pinks and electric blues so I have taken these colours into my peripheral cube series to explore pops of colour. The way the light hits these boxes adds energy to the colours as it spills out onto the wall behind.

Gold Trio


A few gold fold studies exploring proportion and form — Gold Pleat, Bullion, and Ingot


JUNE 2022

Dolce & Domino

MAY 2022

Simple shapes and layers being at the central focus of these works. Exploring one piece folding back on its self to create the feeling of two, and of space and division between the layers. An interesting comparison between materials, the transparent tint vs opaque black and how the light/reflection plays on the glossy surface.

Peripheral Cubes

APRIL - MAY 2022

Developing from the initial ‘Peripheral Cubes’ from 2021 ‘Some Time Later’ show to explore new combinations and compositions. Some of these works are featured in the NZ Art Show 2022 this coming Queens Birthday weekend.



GOLD OOID - Yu Mei Install



JULY 2021

Reconnected with some art school peers to bring the group exhibition ‘Some Time Later’ to Crystal Cylinder’s The Workshop, New Plymouth 23-25th July 2021

“Crystal Cylinder’s The Workshop presents ‘Some Time Later’, a conceptual exhibition where emerging artists, Custance, Malcolm, and Spragg open a new dialogue with a central focus on form, material, colour, and light. The Wellington, Auckland, and New Plymouth based artists have reunited to bring their refined practices and personal journeys together for their third group show. The Dynamic of the trio sparks unexpected parallels as well as planned interplays between each artist’s work. This intricate balancing act leaves not a detail un-considered. Custance, Malcolm, and Spragg are coming back together to reignite this conversation of interconnected form, material, colour, and lighting a contemporary and conceptual way.”

Peripheral Cube I (Pink) & II (Green)
300mm x 300mm I 450mm x 600mm
3mm Acrylic

800mm x 600mm (approx.)
3mm Acrylic

500mm x 600mm x 500mm
3mm Acrylic

The Fall
800mm x 600mm (approx.)
3mm Acrylic

250mm x 400mm (approx.)
3mm Acrylic

Gold Ooid II
1000mm x 1000mm
3mm Acrylic


APRIL 2020

By working with reflective materials, the work becomes activated by its surrounding environment. Being quarantined and unable to make new work has challenged me to explore old works in new environments.


Works displayed in ‘Exposure: Massey Graduate Show’ 2019

Please contact for sale enquires

Gold Ooid
Gold Mirror Acrylic 3mm
1000mm x 1000mm

Twofold I & II
Black Acrylic Matte/Gloss finish 6mm & 3mm
2350mm x 1150mm & 1800mm x 900mm


Works displayed in ‘You Took Your Time’ Exhibition 2019

Please contact for sale enquires

Twofold I
Black Acrylic Matte/Gloss finish 3mm
2350mm x 1150mm

Stainless Steel 2mm BA finish
2400mm x 1200mm


Various works 2018-2019

Light & Transparency study

This installation derived from an exploration into light, transparency and surface quality of plastics. Intrigued by the play of light traveling through layers of recycled plastics manipulated by heat.

/ / \ , 2018
Recycled plastics, Fluorescent Tube, Wire.

/ / \ , 2018
Recycled plastics, Acrylic, LED Lights, Wire, Aluminium